Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Customer Satisfaction

So let's get this train rollin'... 

What is a good picture?  What makes a great picture?  There are books, websites, magazines, YouTube videos, DVD's, and anyone with at least one working eye that have an opinion on what a "great" picture.  Who's right?

Let me first start off by suggesting that there are steps, procedures, and rules to making more pleasing pictures!  There are certain poses that work well for the male or female form, or certain lighting that helps capture a person, or even certain camera lenses that are used for more appealing pictures.

But there is something that you can't buy... something you judge right away... 

Customer Satisfaction... 

Here's the example I recently shot for some dear friends of their son for Christmas cards.

I love this picture personally.  The look on his face is priceless!  What is he looking at?  Why is he making that expression?  Has he been naughty or nice?  Did he find out the truth about Santa?

Now from a "technical perspective" the lighting is actually "off".  The whites in his shirt and socks are "blown out".  From a technical standpoint I would need to adjust perhaps the exposure in the camera or even the lighting itself... 

... but

Would I be able to capture his expression again?????

The answer is - probably not.  If you've ever been around a ~2 year old... well... let's just say that this will not be repeated in my lifetime (or his!).

So where does this leave me?  The clients love the picture.  Do they care that the "detail" in his shirt is blown out?  Or that his socks are as white as an Albino convention in Alaska?  No... 

They are satisfied with the expression and emotion the picture brings!  

And there you have it... as a photographer you should strive to make "good" pictures.  You should care about the lighting, the scene, the exposure, the shutter speed, ISO, your depth of field, etc, etc, etc... but at the end of the day - make sure your customer is satisfied!

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