Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wait for it... Wait for it...

There's a saying in photography that goes something like:

"A great picture is 50% technique and 98% being there"...


Okay, maybe I made that up.  But it sounds good right?  ...And there is some truth to it really.

The idea is actually pretty simple - waiting for the picture.  See life is made up of all these little moments - and the trick is waiting for that "right" moment to capture some of them.

I have three different images I took this year that I hope will illustrate my point.

Picture One:  Amanda & Gary

This is a shot of Amanda & Gary.  I had been using them as practice for my skills (or lack there of?).  I had them sitting on things, standing, walking, okay now smile, now look serious, yada, yada, yada... for quite some time.  We found this nice little nook that had incredible stone work.  It was simple - I didn't have them looking at me - heck, I told them to ignore me and just talk and joke with each other... Bulls eye!  

I love the picture, Gary is saying something that is funny and Amanda is on that edge of laughing.  I couldn't have planned this shot at all... I was at the right place, the right time.  Waiting... 

Picture Two:  Megz

Meagan is just fun to shoot.  I have to admit the majority of the pictures of her are completely random, and typically aren't the "posed" or "planned" shots.  


Well... for one, the girl is dangerously impatient (love you Meagan)... so while I am trying to plan my next shot she is running around asking me "Whatta-I-do, whatta-I-do???". 

Guess what - that's when it happens.  She pauses for that brief second and does something like the picture above.  I call it "pure emotion".  It's her... being her.  

Sometimes you want the processed and posed shot, but I'll take an off-the-cuff shot any day!  What's the trick?  Waiting... she'll do the rest, I just need to point and shoot.

Picture Three:  Caden

Anyone with kids can tell you that they don't sit still... They don't pose well (patience, virtue... yeah right)... and they can be a total riot to be around (Still don't want any of my own... but... that's another BLOG)....

This shot of Caden is another example of just being ready to aim and fire.  I couldn't have him pose for this (I couldn't get people my age to pose this well, so a two-ish-year-old... yeah, forget that plan).  

Again, the idea is simple... Waiting.  Sure you could argue that the highlights are blown out and I am sure his dad is not real keen on having part of his leg and "daddy parts" in the shot... but you can't recreate this one!  And darn it all, I love the shot!

It's so easy to sit here and write it down and say... "Oh sure, just wait for something cool to happen and snap a quick shot".  The part I guess I am not telling you (no one ever seems too either... hmmmm) -- Yeah, I have about half-a-hard-drive full of pictures that didn't make the cut.  They have someone's eyes closed, or someone's mouth in a very awkward pose, or someone looking off into oblivion. 

Simple right?  Just wait for it... 
- jermz


Anonymous said...

you're the coolest guitar teacher, photographer, mentor, and friend anyone could ask for. <3

Anonymous said...

I so agree with "anonymous"
Great shots by the way!!!