Monday, February 7, 2011

Delete is your friend

Ever watched that show on A&E called Hoarders?

It's pretty intense really... People just holding on to junk.  Garbage.  Stuff they just can't get rid of. 

If you're like me - you stop and wonder how people get that "out of control".  You may even feel sorry for them (I know I do).

They just collect all this stuff and won't let it go!!!

Luckily those of us in the "civilized" world don't do that... or do we??

Blurry... Nice... We love blurry pictures

Welcome to the digital age - where "they" tell you it's free.  Just take pictures until your thumbs explode and your memory cards are full of the 13,000 images you took of your kids birthday party.  Just snap away!
Download away, put them on one of your hard drives, your memory stick, leave it on your camera's memory card.  It's free... What's the harm!?!

First off... Don't hoard horrible pictures!  STOP IT... KNOCK IT OFF!!!

Do you really want to keep 12,948 pictures that are blurry, poor lighting, exposed with a Crayola set, or just plain bad??  Really?  You like looking at garbage pictures?  

You my friend are a hoarder... in the digital age!

I realized recently that I was hoarding bad pictures.  I had a hard drive full of garbage I didn't need.  Missed focus, poor lighting... just bad shots.

"I might need a random shot of ___________ someday".  Really??  You need a blurry grainy picture of you and your friends out dancing at some random club?  Really??  Seriously??

Good for you... Delete your garbage!  

Let's do it together... I just put 3707 files into my digital recycle bin... over 11 gigabytes of crap... 

3...2...1... Delete!!!!  Refreshing I might add... 

Don't keep garbage, it's gross... what will your friends think?

- jermz

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