Thursday, February 3, 2011

Giving Back... For Free... The Gift That You Want to Keep Giving...

Giving back.  It's not like re-gifting a fruit cake from Aunt Helen.  Or the gift that keeps on giving... yeah... well... there's a joke or two about that too...


Today's lesson is pretty simple:

Don't be afraid to GIVE BACK.

Recently I was asked to do some shooting at my church (with a camera of course... sheesh).  I mean the Holy Spirit can get you crazy... but not stupid...

The concept is simple - shoot people for a directory at church.  Get their name and snap away... Other than trying to match names with faces (thanks Honey!), it's really pretty simple.

Sure, some people would say "that is beneath my talent" or "that's dumb, you're doing it for free".  Yeah... free... and "wasting" my time downloading and cropping the pictures too.

But guess what... that's what it's all about.  I will be shooting hundreds of people.  Sure the shots aren't glamor shots by Deb... But that's not the point.  The point is helping where there is a need with something I like doing - and can do.

On the business side of things - you never know what this could bring.  Someone sees you acting professional with "professional" gear taking pictures... well... If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... I'm just sayin'... If you don't do it because of the "giving" spirit, do it for the free advertising!

Don't be afraid to shoot some things for free.  I'm a big fan of that whole "paying it forward" thing. 

As a side note - if you go my church and need your picture taken, I'll be the guy with the camera up front shooting away like mad.  There's two of us, I'll be the guy who seriously needs a tan!

- jermz

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